Look at the development history of auto repair shop for more than one hundred years from auto repair tools


Look at the development history of auto repair shop for more than one hundred years from auto repair tools


The automobile invented more than a hundred years ago is a miracle of the mechanical products of that era. Nowadays, cars have become a necessity in people's lives.

As cars gradually enter people's lives, people need to know not only how to use the car, but more importantly, how to repair it when it breaks down, or where to repair it. Naturally, the design and manufacture of the specialized tools needed to maintain and repair cars has also grown with the development of automotive technology.

Many tools have evolved step by step with the development of cars to this day.

The simplest and most effective - the wrench.

The invention of the wrench may be earlier than the automobile, but the emergence of the automobile did lead to the continuous improvement of the wrench, and in 1915, well-known magazines began to publish advertisements for new wrenches. And as the car continues to evolve, the wrench has also been constantly improved.

In the pursuit of speed of work, time means money, compressed air wrenches appear in the maintenance workshop, no tool can match the compressed air wrenches, whether it is a simple job or a complex disassembly, it can show its skills, is considered to be the final stage in the development and evolution of wrenches.


"Significant" change - the lift.

At the beginning of the last century, the road conditions were extremely poor, and the frequency of damage to the bottom parts was particularly high when driving on such a road surface. In order to overcome the many inconveniences of repairing the bottom of the car, the car elevator was born.

The first car lifts were all electrically powered and could only lift the car to a barely working height. Then with the continuous improvement of technology, in the 1920s, the lift machine has been a functional breakthrough, for example, no longer limited to the installation of indoor, through the support of the axle to complete the car lift, to increase the flexibility after lifting, according to the work requirements of the technician arbitrarily adjust the lifting height of the lift machine;

Finally, manufacturers combined lift technology with proven electronic technology to develop the lifts we use today.

The earliest auto repair shops tend to be family-style management, and the elders in the family carry out the overall division of labor. In that era, there was no complete system of labor relations, and technology was the only key to safeguard interests. In such an environment, it was difficult for migrant workers to learn real skills.

Later, with the development of The Times, business needs led to the opening of the family management mode, and the employment relationship has been widely accepted, which has been the dominant mode until now.

The evolution of all auto repair tools, in fact, is to be able to better complete the maintenance work of the car. Auto repair shops in different times have different management methods, it can be said that this way is actually a tool of auto repair shops, it helps auto repair shops operate in different times, and at the same time, it is constantly evolving with The Times.

Traditional auto repair shop management "tools", if you must name a form, then it must be "paper". The most obvious drawback is that even under the control of a large number of paper work orders, all work links cannot be effectively monitored.

Faced with the effects of this chronic malpractice, the "tools" have evolved once again.

Post time: May-28-2024