Coolant Air Lift Tool- Meaning and How to Use


Coolant Air Lift Tool- Meaning and How to Use


A coolant air lift tool, also known as a coolant fill tool, is a device used to remove air from a vehicle's cooling system and refill it with coolant. Air pockets in the cooling system can cause overheating and cooling inefficiency, so it is important to eliminate them to ensure proper system operation.

Here's how to use a coolant air lift tool:

1. Make sure the vehicle engine is cool before starting this process.

2. Locate the radiator or coolant reservoir cap and remove it to gain access to the cooling system.

3. Connect the appropriate adapter from the coolant air lift tool to the radiator or tank opening. The tool should come with various adapters to fit different car models.

4. Connect the tool to a compressed air source (such as a compressor) and pressurize the cooling system according to the manufacturer's instructions.

5. Open the valve on the coolant air lift tool to create a vacuum in the cooling system. This will draw out any air pockets that are present.

6. After the air is exhausted, close the valve and disconnect the tool from the cooling system.

7. Refill the cooling system with the appropriate coolant mixture as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.

8. Replace the radiator or water tank cap and start the engine to check whether there are leaks or abnormalities in the cooling system.

By using a coolant air lift tool, you can effectively remove air from your cooling system and ensure the coolant is properly filled, helping to maintain your vehicle's optimal operating temperature.

Post time: May-14-2024